1.º Semestre | 1st Semester
O curso intensivo “Redes Sociales, Compañias Tecnológicas y Democracia“, lecionado pelo Professor Francisco Balaguer Callejón, da Universidad de Granada, realiza-se entre os dias 12/09/2022 e 16/09/2022, das 11h00 às 13h00.
Formato: presencial
Língua: Espanhol
The intensive course “Redes Sociales, Compañias Tecnológicas y Democracia“, taught by Professor Francisco Balaguer Callejón, from the Universidad de Granada, will take place between 12/09/2022 and 16/09/2022, from 11 a.m to 1 p.m.
Format: in-class
Language: Spanish
O curso intensivo “Philosophy of Law“, lecionado pelo Professor Alexandre Viala, da Université de Montpellier, realiza-se entre os dias 12/09/2022 e 16/09/2022, das 16h00 às 18h00.
Formato: presencial
Língua: Inglês
The intensive course “Philosophy of Law”, taught by Professor Alexandre Viala, from the Université de Montpellier, will take place between 12/09/2022 and 16/09/2022, from 4 p.m to 6 p.m.
Format: in-class
Language: English
O curso intensivo de “EU Consumer Law“, lecionado pelo Professor Arndt Künnecke, da German School for Public Administration, realiza-se entre 10/10/2022 e 14/10/2022, das 11h00 às 13h00.
Formato: presencial
Língua: Inglês
The intensive course “EU Consumer Law”, lectured by Professor Arndt Künnecke, from the German School for Public Administration, will take place between 10/10/2022 and 14/10/2022, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Format: in-class
Language: English
O curso intensivo de “International Humanitarian Law – The Basics”, lecionado pela Professora Ana Soares Pinto, da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa, realiza-se entre 17/10/2022 e 21/10/2022, das 16h00 às 18h00.
Formato: presencial
Língua: Inglês
The intensive course “International Humanitarian Law – The Basics”, lectured by Professor Ana Soares Pinto, from the University of Lisbon Faculty of Law, will take place between 17/10/2022 and 21/10/2022, from 4 pm to 6 pm.
Format: in-class
Language: English
O curso intensivo de “Fundamental Rights, Data Management and Online Platforms: the new EU Digital Services Act”, lecionado pelo Professor Domingos Farinho, da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa, realiza-se entre 24/10/2022 e 28/10/2022, das 11h00 às 13h00.
Formato: presencial
Língua: Inglês
The intensive course “Fundamental Rights, Data Management and Online Platforms: the new EU Digital Services Act”, lectured by Professor Domingos Farinho, from the University of Lisbon Faculty of Law, will take place between 24/10/2022 and 28/10/2022, from 11 am to 1 pm.
Format: in-class
Language: English
O curso intensivo “Constitutional Justice in the Mediterranean: a way out of crises?“, lecionado pelo Professor Dimitrios Parashu, da Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover, realiza-se entre 24/10/2022 e 28/10/2022, das 16h00 às 18h00.
Formato: online
Língua: Inglês
The intensive course “Constitutional Justice in the Mediterranean: a way out of crises?“, taught by Professor Dimitrios Parashu, from the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover, will take place between 24/10/2022 and 28/10/2022, from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Format: online
Language: English
O curso intensivo “Introduction to Portuguese Law”, lecionado pelo Professor João Tiago Silveira, da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa, realiza-se entre 07/11/2022 e 11/11/2022, das 11h00 às 13h00.
Formato: presencial
Língua: Inglês
The intensive course “Introduction to Portuguese Law”, taught by Professor João Tiago Silveira, from the University of Lisbon Faculty of Law, will take place between 07/11/2022 and 11/11/2022, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Format: in-class
Language: English
O curso intensivo “Introduction to the History of Justice“, lecionado pela Professora Isabel Graes, da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa, realiza-se entre 07/11/2022 e 11/11/2022, das 16h00 às 18h00.
Formato: in-class
Língua: Inglês
The intensive course “Introduction to the History of Justice“, taught by Professor Isabel Graes, from the University of Lisbon Faculty of Law, will take place between 07/11/2022 and 11/11/2022, from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Format: in-class
Language: English
O curso intensivo “Criminal Procedure in the U.S.”, lecionado pelo Professor Luke Milligan, da Louis D. Brandeis School of Law, University of Louisville, realiza-se entre 14/11/2022 e 18/11/2022, das 11h00 às 13h00.
Formato: in-class
Língua: Inglês
The intensive course “Criminal Procedure in the U.S.”, taught by Professor Luke Milligan, from the Louis D. Brandeis School of Law, University of Louisville, will take place between 14/11/2022 and 18/11/2022, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Format: in-class
Language: English
O curso intensivo “Asylum and Immigration Law and Policy of the European Union“, lecionado pelo Professor Jaap W. de Zwaan, da Erasmus University Rotterdam, realiza-se entre 14/11/2022 e 18/11/2022, das 16h00 às 18h00.
Formato: presencial
Língua: Inglês
The intensive course “Asylum and Immigration Law and Policy of the European Union“, taught by Professor Jaap W. de Zwaan, from the Erasmus University Rotterdam, will take place between 14/11/2022 and 18/11/2022, from 4 p.m to 6 p.m.
Format: in-class
Language: English
O curso intensivo “Legal Theory and Legal Ethics: the Dispute about the Good Lawyer“, lecionado pelo Professor Massimo La Torre, da Università di Catanzaro, realiza-se entre os dias 21/11/2022 e 24/11/2022, das 11h00 às 13h30.
Formato: presencial
Língua: Inglês
The intensive course “Legal Theory and Legal Ethics: the Dispute about the Good Lawyer“, taught by Professor Massimo La Torre, from the Università di Catanzaro, will take place between 21/11/2022 and 24/11/2022,, from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Format: in-class
Language: English
O curso intensivo “Transfer Pricing: from the basics to the controversies”, lecionado pelo Professor Ricardo Schmitz, da Mykolas Romeris University, realiza-se entre os dias 21/11/2022 e 25/11/2022, das 14h00 às 16h00.
Formato: presencial
Língua: Inglês
The intensive course “Transfer Pricing: from the basics to the controversies”, taught by Professor Ricardo Schmitz, from the Mykolas Romeris University, will take place between 21/11/2022 and 25/11/2022, from 2 pm to 4 pm.
Format: in-class
Language: English
O curso intensivo “Environmental Law and Policy of the European Union – objectives and effectiveness”, lecionado pela Professora Monika Krol, da University of Lodz, realiza-se entre os dias 21/11/2022 e 25/11/2022, das 16h00 às 18h00.
Formato: presencial
Língua: Inglês
The intensive course “Environmental Law and Policy of the European Union – objectives and effectiveness”, taught by Professora Monika Krol, from the University of Lodz, will take place between 21/11/2022 and 25/11/2022, from 4 p.m. tp 6 p.m.
Format: in-class
Language: English
O curso intensivo “Comparative Police Law, Policy and Practices”, lecionado pela Professora Melanie Reid, da Lincoln Memorial University Duncan School of Law, realiza-se entre os dias 28/11/2022 e 02/12/2022, das 16h00 às 18h30.
Formato: presencial
Língua: Inglês
The intensive course “Comparative Police Law, Policy and Practices”, taught by Professor Melanie Reid, from the Lincoln Memorial University Duncan School of Law, will take place between 28/11/2022 and 02/12/2022, from 4 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Format: in-class
Language: English
Format: online (Zoom)
Language: English
October 20th
“Europe, what now?”
Professor Vasco Pereira da Silva
University of Lisbon Faculty of Law
5 pm
October 27th
“International Law and Ukraine”
Professor Gregoy P. Noone
Roger Williams University School of Law
6 pm
November 10th
“Digitalisation and Recent Developments in EU Competition Law”
Professor Pedro-José Bueso Guillén
Universidad de Zaragoza
10:30 am
November 17th
“What if the Dalai Lama was the Prosecutor in our Criminal Case?”
Professor Melanie Reid
Lincoln Memorial University | Duncan School of Law
6 pm
November 23rd
“Politics of Microfinance in India: Reflections from Across the Globe”
Professor Kshitij Naikade
Simbiosis Law School
4 pm
November 29th
“Information Environmentalism ”
Professor Robert Cunningham
Curtin University Law School
10:30 am
December 1st
“Law in Sport, Sport in Law. Specificity of Legal Relationships in Sport”
Professor David Kohout
Charles University In Prague
10:30 am
December 6th
“Lawfare as self-defence against aggression – Ukraine’s use of international litigation in the face of armed aggression by the Russian Federation”
Professor Anthony Cassimatis
T.C. Beirne School of Law
10:30 am
December 15th
“Prohibited AI Practices”
Professor Rostam Neuwirth
University of Macau
10:30 am
January 12th
“EU Competition Law and Sport”
Professor Antti Aine
University of Turku
10:30 am
January 18th
“Government Searches and the Right to be Secure”
Professor Luke Milligan
Louis D. Brandeis School of Law, University of Louisville
6 pm
January 19th
“Social Media Platform Censorship”
Professor Russell Weaver
Louis D. Brandeis School of Law, University of Louisville
6 pm
January 24th
“Developing Joint Degrees between U.S. Law Schools and Law Schools Abroad”
Professor Diana Penneys Edelman
Villanova University | Charles Widger School of Law
6 pm
Format: online (Zoom)
Language: English
Especialidade de Ciências Jurídico Ambientais | |||||
Tipo | Unidades curriculares | Regente | Turma e Programa | Horário | Sala |
Obrigatórias | Metodologia de Investigação Científica | Prof. Doutor Kafft Kosta | TA | ||
Prof.ª Doutora Isabel Graes | TB | ||||
Prof.ª Doutora Ana Soares Pinto | TC | ||||
Prof. Doutor Jorge Silva Santos | TD | ||||
Prof.ª Doutora Ana Rita Gil | TE | ||||
Prof. Doutor Daniel Morais | TF | ||||
Obrigatórias | Direito Constitucional e Administrativo do Ambiente | Prof.ª Doutora Heloísa Oliveira | TA | Segunda-feira das 11h às 13h | CARL - Sala 2 |
Direito Internacional e Europeu do Ambiente | Prof.ª Doutora Cláudia Monge | TA | Terça-feira das 16h às 18h | 22.42 | |
Optativa | Qualquer UC de opção livre, oferecida nesta ou noutra especialidade |
2.º Semestre | 2nd Semester
O curso intensivo “Introduction to the Law of the United States“, lecionado pelo Professor Patrick Hugg, da Loyola University College of Law, realiza-se entre os dias 20/02/2023 e 24/02/2023, das 11h00 às 16h00.
Formato: presencial
Língua: Inglês
The intensive course “Introduction to the Law of the United States“, lectured by Professor Patrick Hugg, from the Loyola University College of Law, will take place between 20/02/2023 and 24/02/2023, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Format: in-class
Language: English
O curso intensivo “A World History of Criminal Law”, lecionado pelo Professor Jean-Louis Halpérin, da École Normale Supérieure, realiza-se entre os dias 06/03/2022 e 10/03/2023, das 11h00 às 13h00.
Formato: presencial
Língua: Inglês
The intensive course “A World History of Criminal Law”, taught by Professor Jean-Louis Halpérin, from the École Normale Supérieure, will take place between 06/03/2022 and 10/03/2023, from 11 a.m to 1 p.m.
Format: in-class
Language: Inglês
O curso intensivo “El Nuevo Constitucionalismo Latinoamericano. El Poder Constituyente para cambiar la Sociedad (Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, Chile)”, lecionado pelo Professor Stéphane Pinon, da Faculté de Droit, de Science Politique et Management da La Rochelle Université, realiza-se entre os dias 13/03/2023 e 17/03/2023, das 11h00 às 13h00.
Formato: presencial
Língua: Espanhol
The intensive course “El Nuevo Constitucionalismo Latinoamericano. El Poder Constituyente para cambiar la Sociedad (Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, Chile)”, taught by Professor Stéphane Pinon, from the Faculté de Droit, de Science Politique et Management da La Rochelle Université, will take place between 13/03/2023 and 17/03/2023, from 11 a.m. and 1 p.m.
Format: in-class
Language: Espanhol
O curso intensivo “European Comparative Competition Law“, lecionado pelo Professor Bernd Oppermann, da Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover, realiza-se entre os dias 20/03/2023 e 24/03/2023, das 11h00 às 13h00.
Formato: presencial
Língua: Inglês
The intensive course “European Comparative Competition Law“, taught by Professor Bernd Oppermann, from the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover, will take place between 20/03/2023 and 24/03/2023, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Format: in-class
Language: English
O curso intensivo de “História e Teoria do Crime”, lecionado pelo Professor Cláudio Brandão, da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, realiza-se entre os dias 20/03/2023 e 23/03/2023, das 14h00 às 16h30.
Formato: presencial
Língua: Português
The intensive course “História e Teoria do Crime”, lectured by Professor Cláudio Brandão, from the Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, will take place between 20/03/2023 and 23/03/2023, from 2 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Format: in-class
Língua: Portuguese
O curso intensivo “Globalisation and International Protection of Human Rights“, lecionado pela Professora Marine Toullier, da Université de Rouen Normandie, realiza-se entre os dias 27/03/2023 e 31/03/2023, das 11h00 às 13h00.
Formato: presencial
Língua: Inglês
The intensive course “Globalisation and International Protection of Human Rights”, taught by Professor Marine Toullier, from the Université de Rouen Normandie, will take place between 27/03/2023 and 31/03/2023, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Format: in-class
Language: English
O curso intensivo “Litigation in Economic International Law”, lecionado pelo Professor Millán Requena-Casanova, da Universidad de Alicante, realiza-se entre os dias 27/03/2023 e 31/03/2023, das 16h00 às 18h00.
Formato: in-class
Língua: Inglês
The intensive course “Litigation in Economic International Law”, taught by Professor Millán Requena-Casanova, from the Universidad de Alicante, will take place between 27/03/2023 and 31/03/2023, from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Format: in-class
Language: English
O curso intensivo de “European and International Energy Law”, lecionado pelo Professor Claas Germelmann, da Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover, realiza-se entre os dias 11/04/2023 e 14/04/2023, das 11h00 às 13h30.
Formato: presencial
Língua: Inglês
The intensive course “European and International Energy Law”, lectured by Professor Claas Germelmann, from the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover, will take place between 11/04/2023 and 14/04/2023, from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Format: in-class
Língua: Inglês
O curso intensivo de “Construction Contracts in the System of German Civil Law”, lecionado pelo Professor Jochen Glöckner, da Universität Konstanza, realiza-se entre os dias 11/04/2023 e 14/04/2023, das 16h00 às 18h30.
Formato: presencial
Língua: Inglês
The intensive course “Construction Contracts in the System of German Civil Law”, lectured by Professor Jochen Glöckner, from the Universität Konstanza, will take place between 11/04/2023 and 14/04/2023, from 4 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Format: in-class
Língua: Inglês
O curso intensivo “La Crisis del Estado de Derecho“, lecionado pelo Professor Fausto Vecchio, da Università degli Studi di Enna Kore, realiza-se entre os dias 18/04/2023 e 21/04/2023, das 11h00 às 13h00.
Formato: presencial
Língua: Espanhol
The intensive course “La Crisis del Estado de Derecho“, taught by Professor Fausto Vecchio, from the Università degli Studi di Enna Kore, will take place between 18/04/2023 and 21/04/2023, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Format: in-class
Language: Spanish
O curso intensivo “Nacionalismos e federalismos: A construcción do Estado federal no marco da Unión Europea”, lecionado pelo Professor Vicente Sanjurjo da Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, realiza-se entre os dias 17/04/2023 e 21/04/2023, das 16h00 às 18h00.
Formato: presencial
Língua: Espanhol
The intensive course “Nacionalismos e federalismos: A construcción do Estado federal no marco da Unión Europea”, taught by Professor Vicente Sanjurjo, from the Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, will take place between 17/04/2023 and 21/04/2023, from 4 p.m to 6 p.m.
Format: in-class
Language: Spanish
O curso intensivo “The European Economic and Monetary Union (EEMU): Background, Structures, Evolution“, lecionado pelo Professor Axel Kämmerer, da Bucerius Law School, realiza-se entre os dias 24/04/2023 e 28/04/2023, das 11h00 às 13h30.
Formato: presencial
Língua: Inglês
The intensive course “The European Economic and Monetary Union (EEMU): Background, Structures, Evolution”, taught by Professor Axel Kämmerer, from the Bucerius Law School, will take place between 24/04/2023 and 28/04/2023, from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Format: in-class
Language: English
O curso intensivo “Introduction to the North American Constitution“, lecionado pelo Professor Russell Weaver, da Louis D. Brandeis School of Law, University of Louisville, realiza-se entre os dias 24/04/2023 e 28/04/2023, das 16h00 às 18h30.
Formato: presencial
Língua: Inglês
The intensive course “Introduction to the North American Constitution“, taught by Professor Russell Weaver, from the Louis D. Brandeis School of Law, University of Louisville, will take place between 24/04/2023 and 28/04/2023, from 4 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Format: in-class
Language: English
O curso intensivo “Introduction to European Private Law“, lecionado pelo Professor Andreas Schwartze, da University of Innsbruck, realiza-se entre os dias 02/05/2023 e 05/05/2023, das 11h00 às 13h30.
Formato: presencial
Língua: Inglês
The intensive course “Introduction to European Private Law“, taught by Professor Andreas Schwartze, from the University of Innsbruck, will take place between 02/05/2023 and 05/05/2023, from 11 a.m to 1:30 p.m.
Format: in-class
Language: English
O curso intensivo “Constitutional Justice in Europe“, lecionado pelo Professor Rainer Arnold, da University of Regensburg, realiza-se entre os dias 02/05/2023 e 05/05/2023, das 16h00 às 18h30.
Formato: Online
Língua: Inglês
The intensive course “Constitutional Justice in Europe“, taught by Professor Rainer Arnold, from the University of Regensburg, will take place between 02/05/2023 and 05/05/2023, from 4 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Format: Online
Language: English
O curso intensivo de “EU Administrative Law and Administrative Procedure”, lecionado pela Professora Diana-Urania Galetta, da Università Degli Studi di Milano, realiza-se entre os dias 08/05/2023 e 12/05/2023, das 11h00 às 13h00.
Formato: presencial
Língua: Inglês
The intensive course “EU Administrative Law and Administrative Procedure”, lectured by Professor Diana-Urania Galetta, from the Università Degli Studi di Milano, will take place between 08/05/2023 and 12/05/2023, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Format: in-class
Língua: Inglês
O curso intensivo de “The Law of Emergency in Comparative and European Law”, lecionado pelo Professor Jacques Ziller, da Università Degli Studi di Pavia, realiza-se entre os dias 08/05/2023 e 12/05/2023, das 16h00 às 18h00.
Formato: presencial
Língua: Inglês
The intensive course “The Law of Emergency in Comparative and European Law”, lectured by Professor Jacques Ziller, from the Università Degli Studi di Pavia, will take place between 08/05/2023 and 12/05/2023, from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Format: in-class
Língua: Inglês