1º S | Obrigatória/Mandatory | Corporate Law and Liability | 40h | 30 |
Company Taxation | 40h |
Labour Law | 40h |
Public Sanctioning Law and Compliancee | 40h |
Contracts | 40h |
Opcional/Elective (1 UC) | Competition Law | 40h |
Environmental Law | 40h |
Financial Markets Law | 40h |
2º S | Obrigatória/Mandatory | Accounting and Financial Reporting | 40h | 30 |
Corporate Finance | 40h |
Mergers, Aquisitions, and Corporate Restructuring | 40h |
Management and Organizational Strategy | 40h |
Leadership, Negotiation, Ethics and Social Responsibility | 40h |
Opcional/Elective (1 UC) | Controlo de gestão | 40h |
Corporate Finance | 40h |
Marketing | 40h |
Mercados e Operações Bancárias e Financeiras | 40h |
3º S | Obrigatória/Mandatory | Relatório Final ou Dissertação/ Project Paper or Dissertation) | 30 |