
For the specialization programme, the Committee of Postgraduate studies has adopted the method of final written paper evaluation, for the research-focused master’s programme, to be submitted by researchers no later than 15 September of each academic year.

Approval in the specialization programme requires passing all the curriculum units with a grade equal to or higher than 10 points.

Approval in each course of the Specialization Programme requires attendance of at least half the classes taught.

The grades or scores are published on the Online Resources, using the username and password associated with the account Campus@UL; students can only check their grades or scores there.

The final score of the study cycle leading to the Master’s degree is awarded by the jury appointed to assess and discuss the thesis, expressed by the formula Pass or Fail. Approved students are given scores between 10-20 from a range of 0 to 20.

Evaluation Exams:

Academic Exams


To submit reports
To submit the thesis

Deadline to submit theses

Completion of the school phase of the programme in the 2nd semester of the academic year 2012/2013: 20/05/2015

Completion of the school phase of the programme in the 2nd semester of the academic year 2013/2014: 28/04/2016