
Rigorousness, precision and scientific dialogue


The Ph.D. in Law is the highest academic degree awarded by one of the most prestigious universities at the national and international level. The research leading to the Ph.D. degree requires, in particular, showing capacity to: i) systematically comprehend a discipline within the legal knowledge; ii) conduct thoughtful and critical research with respect for the highest ethical standards and scientific integrity; iii) be original and creative, in order to extend the frontiers of knowledge; iv) communicate with other researchers and convey one’s thinking to his or her community. Furthermore, the development of a written research work aims to contribute to the progress of societal life, in an academic and professional context, thus building new tools of analysis and regulation of the national and international legal community in which it is integrated.

Teaching methods

The work with a view to obtaining the Ph.D. degree requires attending and succeeding in an advanced training programme, lasting two semesters, comprising four curriculum units per semester. By scoring a minimum grade of 14 points, the candidate is allowed to proceed to the Ph.D. thesis research stage, which must be submitted within 6 semesters and is supervised by a Professor of the University of Lisbon School of Law or by a Professor of another national or foreign university who is accepted by the Scientific Board. The research work with a view to writing the thesis requires an actual and active guidance, with respect for the full academic freedom of the Ph.D. candidate and his or her right to sustain independent scientific thinking. So that the supervisor may present an annual report to the Scientific Board, the Ph.D. candidate must keep the supervisor up-to-date on the progress of his or her work. Mere class attendance and passing the advanced training course gives the student a diploma of “Expert”.

[ (2015) University of Lisbon Regulation on Postgraduate studies ]

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