For nearly three decades, the University of Lisbon School of Law has been developing and consolidating scientific and pedagogical cooperation with foreign universities, through our Erasmus and International Relations Office, the Legal Cooperation Institute and the Brazilian Law Institute.
The School of Law has developed international cooperation mainly by:
– Working with other Faculties in organising and teaching Master’s and PhD degrees, specialisation courses and conferences, as well as the regular teaching of undergraduate courses in partner universities;
– Publishing scientific works, most remarkably African Legal Studies and the creation of an online library specialised in affairs relating to Portuguese-speaking countries (Ius Commune Library);
– Supporting research through the monitoring of the development of legal libraries of partner universities and receiving students from these institutions coming to the University of Lisbon School of Law to attend courses or to participate in research internships;
– Monitoring various legislative works, such as transposing, to the Guinean legal order, the Uniform Act Organizing and Harmonizing Undertakings’ Accounting Systems in the Signatory States to the OHADA Treaty on the Harmonisation of Business Law in Africa.