Vasco Pereira da Silva

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Category: Full Professor

Fields of interest / research:
Administrative Law
Constitutional Law
Environmental Law
Urban Planning Law and Country Planning
Culture Law

Academic Degrees:
1 December 2006 – Honorary Doctorate Degree by UNIPLAC – Educational Unit of Planalto Central, Brasília, following a proposal of the School of Legal Sciences of Planalto Central, “for his notable knowledge and dedicated experience in the field of Legal and Political Sciences and for the contribution he has made towards ensuring understanding between Portuguese-speaking peoples”.

1 June 2006 – Aggregation in Law, 3rd Group, Legal and Political Sciences, University of Lisbon.

25 January 1996 – PhD in Law, Legal and Political Sciences, Portuguese Catholic University School of Law, with Distinction and Praise, unanimously, and with a score of 18 (eighteen) points.

1989 – Master of Law, Legal and Political Sciences, Portuguese Catholic University School of Humanities, with a final score of 18 (eighteen) points.

1984 – Bachelor of Law, Portuguese Catholic University School of Humanities, with a final score of 18 (eighteen) points.

Academic Research and Cooperation

Member of the following research centres:
Centre for Research in Public Law of the Institute of Legal and Political Sciences of the University of Lisbon School of Law.

Member of the editorial board of the following scientific journals:

a) In Portugal
Member of the Editorial Board of the journal “Cadernos de Justiça Administrativa”.
Member of the Scientific Committee of the journal “Scientia Iuridica”.

b) Abroad
Member of the International Advisory Board of the journal “Nomos – Le Attualità nel Diritto”
Member of the Scientific Board of the journal “Legal Consultant” of the Association of Polish Legal Consultants (“Radka Prawny. Zeszyty Naukowe”).
Member of the International Editorial Board of the “Journal of Fundamental Rights and Justice”, of the Catholic University Pontifícia of Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS), in Porto Alegre, Brazil.
Member of the International Editorial Board of the “Journal of the Attorney-General’s Office of Porto Alegre”, in Brazil.
Member of the International Editorial Board of the “Journal of the Attorney-General’s Office of Juiz de Fora”, in Brazil.
Member of the International Advisory Board of “History: Debates and Trends”, Journal of the Postgraduate programme in History of the University of Passo Fundo, in Brazil.

Member of the following international research projects:
Scientific coordinator (general and Portuguese) of the European Master’s in European Legal Practice (LLM. Eur. – “Master der Europäischen Rechtspraxis”, “Master de Pratique Juridique Européenne”, “Mestrado sobre Prática Jurídica Europeia”), a joint organisation of the Schools of Law of the Universities of Lisbon, Hannover, Rouen and Vilnius, under the ERASMUS/MUNDUS Programme, which started in 2004.
Member of the Board of the Association of Professors of Public Law. – Societas Iuris Publici Europaei (S.I.P.E.), since 2011.

Teaching or research duties in other institutions of higher education:
(Visiting) Professor at the Portuguese Catholic University School of Law.
Visiting Professor at the Nova University of Lisbon School of Law, in the academic year 1997/1998.
Visiting Professor of the Schools of Law of the University of Hannover (“Leibniz Universität Hannover”), of the University of Rouen (“Faculté de Droit, Sciences Économiques et Gestion – Université de Rouen”), of the University of Granada (“Universidad de Granada – Máster en Derecho Constitucional Europeo”), of the Catholic University Pontifícia of Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS), of the Federal University of Pernambuco.

Other Professional Activities:
Legal advisor.
Participation in legislative tasks such as the following: Chairman of the Committee in charge of preparing a Draft Basic Law of the Soil, Country Planning, Urban Planning, Law no. 31/2014, of 30 May; Member of the Scientific Committee in charge of preparing the review of the Basic Environmental Law, Law no. 19/2014, of 14 April; Member of the Committee in charge of preparing a Draft Code of Administrative Procedure, D.L. no. 442/91, of 15 November.

Key Publications:

a)In Portugal
«O Contencioso Administrativo no Divã da Psicanálise. Ensaio sobre as Acções no Novo Processo Administrativo», 2nd edition (Updated), Almedina, Coimbra, 2009.
«A Cultura a que Tenho Direito – Direitos Fundamentais e Cultura», Almedina, Coimbra, 2007.
«Verde Cor de Direito – Lições de Direito do Ambiente», Almedina, Coimbra, 2002.
«Em Busca do Acto Administrativo Perdido», Almedina, Coimbra, 1996.
«Para um Contencioso Administrativo dos Particulares – Esboço de uma Teoria Subjectivista do Recurso Directo de Anulação», Almedina, Coimbra, 1989 (1st reprint 1997).

b) Abroad
VASCO PEREIRA DA SILVA / ANDRÉ SALGADO DE MATOS, « Die Grundzüge des nationalen Verwaltungsrechts in Gemeinschaftlicher Perspektive – Portugal», in ARNIM VON BOGDANDY / SABINO CASSESE / PETER HUBER, «Handbuch Ius Publicum Europaeum», volume V, C.F. Müller, 2014, pages 561/629.
ILIOPOULOS-STRANGAS / PEREIRA DA SILVA / POTACS, «Der Beitritt der Europäischen Union zur EMRK – The Accession of the European Union to the ECHR – L’ Adhésion de l’ Union Européenne à la CEDH», Nomos / Stämpfli / Sakkoulas, Baden-Baden, 2013.
«”On connait la chanson” – La Responsabilité Civile de l’Administration Publique au Portugal», in «Revue Française d’ Administration Publique (RFAP)», no. 147, 2013, pages 665 et seq.
«El Invierno de Nuestro Discontento», in BALAGUER CALLEJÓN / ARANA GARCIA (Coordens.), «Libro Homenaje al Profesor Rafael Barranco Vela», vol. I, Thomson Reuters / Civitas, Navarra, pp. 189 et seq.
SABINO CASSESE / VEITH MEHDE / CAROL HARLOW / PASCALE GONOD / VASCO PEREIRA DA SILVA / STEFFANO BATTINI / GERDY JURGENS / DAVID DUARTE, «Functions and Purposes of the Administrative Procedure: New Problems and New Solutions» (“e-book”), ICJP, Lisbon, 2011,