
The evaluation refers exclusively to each student.

For the advanced training programme, the Committee of Postgraduate studies has adopted the method of final written paper evaluation, for the Ph.D. programme, to be submitted by researchers no later than 15 September of each academic year.

Approval in the advanced training course requires passing all curriculum units with a grade equal to, or higher than, 10 points.

Approval in each subject of the advanced training course requires the attendance of at least half of all classes.

Grades or scores are published in the Online Resources, which students may access by using their user name and password with the account Campus@UL; students can only check their grades or scores here.

The final score of the study cycle leading to the Ph.D. degree is given by the jury appointed to assess and discuss the thesis and to decide on the final score of the candidate, expressed by formulas of Fail, Pass with distinction or Pass with distinction and honours. The candidate assigned Pass with distinction is given a numerical score of 16 or 17 points and the candidate assigned Pass with distinction and honours is given a numerical score of 18, 19 or 20 points. The minutes of the the jury meetings shall display the votes of each member and the respective justification.