Ethics in research

One of the first duties of the scientific community is to establish its own limits, analysing the presuppositions of its activity, adopting rules and foreseeing the consequences of the production of knowledge.

FDUL and its institutes, associations and research centres govern their scientific activity by a set of principles that invite researchers, whether senior or at the start of their careers, to act responsibly and ethically in the development of their research work.

The values and principles that guide the scientific research activities carried out at the Faculty and its institutes and centres are based on the principles of personal and professional responsibility, freedom and integrity in research.

The Faculty ensures compliance with the requirements of national and EU legislation, the pursuit of good international practices applicable to the field of scientific research and adheres to the principles set out in the European Charter for Researchers and in the Decision of 13.11.2013 of the Faculty’s Scientific Council, contained in Minute no. 10.

Regulations on Academic Fraud in Master’s and Doctoral Programmes

UL Student Disciplinary Regulations and Code of Conduct and Good Practices