Quality, innovation and employability
The Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon is a centenary institution, but at the same time it is committed to the permanent renewal of scientific knowledge, which is so indispensable today in a profoundly globalised world. Its openness to the study of transnational phenomena and the intense technological renewal of its teaching methods place it at the forefront of European and international law schools. It stands out for the quality and recognised merit of its teaching staff, the rigour and innovation of its curricula, its insistence on a practical approach to learning, the capacity for social, economic and political influence of the professionals it trains and its cosmopolitan openness.
This degree aims to equip students with the necessary tools to approach, understand and deal with legal phenomena, in particular by applying normative solutions to concrete cases in everyday life. The body of compulsory curricular units guarantees a solid and complete common basis, providing students with a general knowledge of the legal system, the critical capacity to analyse legal solutions and conceptual rigour in the exposition of their argumentative reasoning. The optional curricular units complement this body of structuring knowledge by studying subjects that are ancillary to basic training or that correspond to new didactic developments that are structuring the updating and adaptation of legal knowledge.
Career opportunities
Advocacy, magistracy, legal consultancy, tax and financial consultancy, legal mediation and arbitration, teaching, diplomatic career, access to public positions in international organisations, registries and notaries, solicitors, bailiffs, enforcement agents, inspectors and coordinators of the Judicial Police, management and business management positions, legal and historical research, managers and senior technical staff in public administration.