Rui Tavares Lanceiro

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Category: Assistant Professor

Fields of interest / research:
Administrative Law
Environmental Law
Constitutional Law
Public International Law
European Union Law

Academic Degrees:

Bachelor of Law, University of Lisbon School of Law, in 2005;
«Intensive International Master of Laws (I.I. LL.M.) in European Public Law», European Academy of Public Law, 2005

Completion of the curricular phase of the Master’s in 2007;
Ph.D., University of Lisbon School of Law, in 2016.

Academic Research and Cooperation

Member of the following groups:
Sociedade Portuguesa de Direito Internacional
European Group of Public Law

Member of the following research centres:
Centre for Research in Public Law of the University of Lisbon School of Law.

Member of the following international research projects:
Direito Administrativo Global: da Realidade à Reconstrução Teórica (Centre for Research in Public Law);
Direito Público e investimento no espaço marítimo (Centre for Research in Public Law).

Teaching or research duties in other institutions of higher education:
Law of International Relations (lecturer; course as part of the Bachelor’s programme in European Studies of the University of Lisbon School of Humanities, taught under the Protocol between this institution and the School of Law), academic year 2006/2007.
Law and Environmental Sociology (as co-lecturer; a course of the Integrated Master’s in Environmental Engineering of the Instituto Superior Técnico of the Technical University of Lisbon taught under the Protocol between this institution and the School of Law), academic years 2010/2011 and 2011/2012.

Other Professional Activities:
Advisor to the Justices’ Office of the Portuguese Constitutional Court

Key Publications:
«A ‘Erosão’ dos Princípios da Autoridade do caso Julgado e do Caso Decidido pelo Direito da União Europeia», in Estudos de Homenagem ao Prof. Doutor Jorge Miranda, vol. V, Coimbra Editora, 2012;
«A revogação de actos administrativos entre o Direito nacional e a jurisprudência da União Europeia: um instituto a dois tempos?», in Revista do Ministério Público, no. 132, 2012 [co-authored with Carla Amado Gomes];
«The Review of Compliance with the Aarhus Convention of the European Union», in Global Administrative Law and EU Administrative Law – Relationships, Legal Issues and Comparison, Prof. Doutor E. Chiti e Doutor B. G. Mattarella (eds.), Springer, 2011;
«A condenação à abstenção de comportamentos no Código de Processo nos Tribunais Administrativos», in Estudos em Homenagem ao Prof. Doutor Sérvulo Correia, vol. II, Coimbra Editora, 2011;
«O Tratado de Lisboa e o princípio da cooperação leal», in Cadernos O Direito, O Tratado de Lisboa, no. 5, Almedina, 2010;
Direito da Concorrência e Ordens Profissionais, Coimbra, Coimbra Editora, 2010, [co-authored with J. M. Sérvulo Correia, Rui Medeiros e Tiago Fidalgo de Freitas];
«O efeito repristinatório da declaração de inconstitucionalidade com força obrigatória geral e a sua limitação pelo Tribunal Constitucional», in As sentenças intermédias da Justiça Constitucional, Prof. Doutor Carlos Blanco de Morais (coord.), AAFDL, 2009.

Ph.D., University of Lisbon School of Law
Assistant Professor, University of Lisbon School of Law, since 2016
Guest lecturer, University of Lisbon School of Law, since 2008
Teaching Assistant, University of Lisbon School of Law, since 2006
«Intensive International Master of Laws (I.I. LL.M.) in European Public Law», European Academy of Public Law, 2005
Vocational Master’s in Public Law (2007)
Licenciatura degree in Law (five years), Public Law focus, University of Lisbon School of Law (2005)
Law clerk in the Portuguese Constitutional Court