Category: Visiting Assistant Professor
Fields of interest / research:
Competition Law
European Union Law
Regulation Law
Nuclear Law
Academic Degrees:
Bachelor of Law, 2005
Master’s in European Studies – Law, 2006
PhD in Competition Law, 2014
Academic Research and Cooperation
Member of the following research centres:
Member of the editorial board of the following scientific journals:
FDUL Journal
International Journal of Nuclear Law
Member of the following international research projects:
Chaudfontaine group on regulation of dual-use items
Other Professional Activities:
Counsel at Eduardo Paz Ferreira & Associados
Legal consultant at the National Committee for the Safety of Nuclear Facilities
Key Publications:
A definição de mercados relevantes no Direito europeu e português da concorrência: teoria e prática, Almedina, 2014 [pending publication];
O novo regime das práticas restritivas do comércio – Decreto-Lei n.º 166/2013, AAFDL, 2014;
“Private enforcement of competition law in Portugal – virtues and shortcomings of the actio popularis”, in BENACCHIO, G. A., CARPAGNANO, M. (eds.), L’applicazione delle regole di concorrenza in Italia e nell’Unione Europea – Atti del IV Convegno biennale Antitrust (Trento, 18-19 aprile 2013), Editoriale Scientifica, 2014, p. 263 (co-authored with Leonor Rossi);
“Nuclear law at the European Court in the 21st century”, 3(11/12) (2012) Revista da Concorrência e Regulação 55;
“Private enforcement of competition law in Portugal” (I) e (II), 4(1) (2013) Revista de Concorrência e Regulação 35, 3(2) (2012) Revista de Concorrência e Regulação 91 (co-authored with Leonor Rossi);
“Risk capital as state aid: revising the Commission’s market failure approach”, 10(3) (2011) European State Aid Law Quarterly 425 (co-authored with Luís D. S. Morais);
“The sins of the son: parent company liability for competition law infringements”, 1(3) (2010) Revista de Concorrência e Regulação 53 (co-authored with Ana Perestrelo de Oliveira);
“Popular legislative initiative in the E.U.”, 26 (2007) Yearbook of European Law 355-385;
“A obrigatoriedade de aplicação do Direito Comunitário da Concorrência pelas autoridades nacionais”, (2007) Revista da Faculdade de Direito de Lisboa 271-351;
“Acórdão C-176/03 do TJCE: a comunitarização das competências penais?”, in 107 (2006) Revista do Ministério Público 189 e in Estudos em homenagem ao Professor Doutor Marcello Caetano: no centenário do seu nascimento, Lisbon, 2006, Vol. 2, p. 383;
“Committing to Commitment Decisions – Unanswered Questions on Article 9 Decisions”, 26(8) (2005) European Competition Law Review 451-459.
Current Teaching Duties at FDUL:
International Economy