Category: Visiting Assistant
Fields of interest / research:
Civil Law and Civil Procedure Law
Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure Law and Law of Administrative Offences
Commercial Law and Banking Law
Comparative Law and Conflict of Laws
Academic Degrees:
Bachelor of Law, 2010;
Completion of the curricular phase of the Master of Law, in Legal and Criminal Sciences, 2012;
Admitted to the PhD in Law, Legal Sciences.
Academic Research and Cooperation
Member of the following research centres:
Researcher of the Centre for Research in Private Law of the University of Lisbon School of Law;
Associate of the Institute of Criminal Law and Criminal Sciences of the University of Lisbon School of Law;
Member of the Portuguese Institute of Civil Procedure.
Member of the following international research projects:
Legal Expert and Portuguese representative of the international project “Reducing prison population: advanced tools of justice in Europe”, supported by the European Commission.
Teaching or research duties in other institutions of higher education:
Responsible for modules of the course of Psychology and Law, at the University of Lisbon School of Psychology, since 2013;
Responsible for the module dedicated to the topic “Systems of Government and Electoral Processes – Comparative Perspective“, in the Course of Electoral and Political Law of the Student Association of the Nova University of Lisbon School of Law, 2013.
Other Professional Activities:
Legal Advisor at Banco de Portugal, since 2014;
Lawyer, since 2013;
Trainee Journalist at the Newspaper “O Independente”, 2006.
Key Publications:
“Estados Emocionais do Agente – uma pequena introdução”, in Boletim do Instituto de Direito Penal e Ciências Criminais, year II, ed. no. 1, Lisbon, January/February 2010;
“Algumas notas sobre a dignidade da pessoa humana, fins das penas e penas de trabalho”, in Estudos em Memória do Prof. Doutor J.L. Saldanha Sanches, vol. 2: Direito privado, processual e criminal, Coimbra, Coimbra Editora, 2011;
“O Direito de Execução das Penas e a Constituição: para uma aplicação do Direito Constitucional Penal a normas processuais”, in Estudos em homenagem ao Prof. Doutor José Lebre de Freitas, vol. 2, Coimbra, Coimbra Editora, 2013;
“«Corrupção: Denuncie Aqui»” – Vale tudo no combate à corrupção?” in Revista de Concorrência & Regulação, year V-VI, no. 20-21, Coimbra, Almedina, October.2014-March. 2015;
“Reflexões sobre a afinidade, em busca da sua revalorização, a propósito das mais recentes alterações ao regime jurídico do divórcio (qual Branca de Neve, o Direito da Família fugiu da Madrasta?)”, in Estudos em Homenagem ao Prof. Doutor Carlos Pamplona Côrte-Real, Coimbra, Almedina, 2016;
“O Direito Romano da Corrupção – um regresso ao futuro – Estudo comparativo dos meios jurídicos de combate à corrupção em Roma e na atualidade”, in press.