Category: Visiting Assistant Professor
Fields of interest / research:
Constitutional Law
Political Science
Fundamental Rights
Systems of Government
Constitutional Justice
Academic Degrees:
Bachelor of Law (1989, FDUC);
Master of Law (Legal and Political Sciences, 1997, FDUL);
PhD in Law (Legal and Political Sciences – Law; Constitutional, in 2006, FDUL).
Academic Research and Cooperation
Ongoing implementation of a line of research on Constitutional Law for the comparative study of systems of government, which is multidisciplinary and made up by scholars of different countries;
Member of the African Network of Constitutional Lawyers (Rede Africana de Constitucionalistas);
Member of the International Association of Constitutional Law.
Member of the following research centres:
Member of the Interdisciplinary Legal Institute of the University of Porto (since 2007).
Member of the editorial board of the following scientific journals:
Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal “Law & Politics”;
Member of the Editorial Board of the International Studies on Law and Education;
Member of the Scientific Board of the Journal of Law in Portuguese.
Member of the following international research projects:
Member of the research team for the preparation of a “Manual on Judicial Systems in West Africa – a Comparative Study” (2013), made up of German and African scholars and in the context of the Hans Seidel Foundation, Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen and the Université Gaston Berger de Saint-Louis/Senegal.
Teaching or research duties in other institutions of higher education:
Professor at the School of Law of Bissau, since 1991;
Professor at IPBeja [Co-lecturer in the 1st semester of 2012/2013: Political Science and Constitutional Law; Anglo-American Rights;
Lecturer in the 2nd Semester of 2012/2013: European Union Law; Human Rights and Fundamental Rights;
Lecturer in 2013/2014: Constitutional Law; Administrative Law I; European Union Law;
Lecturer in 2014/2015: Constitutional and European Law; Administrative Law I; Administrative Law II].
Other Professional Activities:
Lawyer (1990-1996);
Head of ministerial offices and Legal Advisor from 1990 to 1996;
Justice of the Supreme Court of Justice for 15 years (1996–2011).
Key Publications:
“estado de direito – O Paradigma Zero”;
Entre Lipoaspiração e Dispensabilidade” (PhD thesis in Legal and Political Sciences: Direito Constitucional – defended at the Department of Law at the University of Lisbon in 2006), Coimbra, Almedina, 2007;
“O Constitucionalismo Guineense e os Limites Materiais de Revisão”, Lisbon, AAFDL, 1997;
“As Constituições dos Estados de Língua Portuguesa – Uma Visão Comparativa” [MIRANDA, Jorge/KOSTA, E. KAFFT], Curitiba/Lisboa, Juruá, 2013;
“Legislação Económica da Guiné-Bissau” [KOSTA, Emílio KAFFT/BORGES, Ricardo Henriques da PALMA], Coimbra, Almedina, 2005;
“Guiné-Bissau: A Protecção da Criança no Direito Positivo” [KOSTA, Emílio KAFFT/EMBALÓ, Helena N. – estudo concluído em 1995], Bissau, edition Radda Barnen/UNICEF/LGDH, 2000;
«Les Droits Fondamentaux, La Plateforme Herméneutique et la Judicature – ou le Juge entre L’Embrassement au Ciel et le Désembrassement de la Terre, in Cahiers de l’AOA-HJF, 2003;
“O Poder Judicial – Entre a Jurisdiarquia, a Independência e a Jurisprudência dos Interesses (do Eu, do Estado, dos Chefes, do Regime e Outros Que Tais)”, in BFDB, no. 8, Lisbon, AAFDL, p. 153-173. – Idem: offprint ao BFDB, no. 8, Lisbon, AAFDL, 2011;
Bombe Atomique Présidentielle: La Dissolution du Parlement, in Estudos de Homenagem ao Prof. Doutor Jorge Miranda, vol. I, Coimbra, Coimbra Editora, 2012, p. 611-634;
A Local Globalização da Soberania, in Estudos em Homenagem ao Prof. Doutor Gomes Canotilho, vol. II, Coimbra Editora, 2013;
“Tribunal Penal Internacional e África Lusófona – Arqueologia Superficial de uma Relação de Desconfiança”: conferência pronunciada no quadro da Comemoração do Centenário da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa [no Encontro Internacional “Direito Penal Internacional, TPI e a Perspectiva da África de Língua Oficial Portuguesa”, Lisboa, 31 October to 1 November 2013] – pending publication;
“Soberania, Constituição e Justiça Constitucional: Diálogo com Rousseau Hoje, num Entroncamento da História”: Liber Amicorum Professor Doutor Fausto de Quadros (pending publication);
“Plaidoyer por uma Renovação Constitucional e por uma Reconstituição do Estado”: Conferência de encerramento do Colóquio da Assembleia Nacional Popular da Guiné-Bissau, sob o lema «Guiné-Bissau, 20 Anos de Democracia – Balanço e Desafios» (Bissau, October 2014; pending publication).