João Tiago Silveira

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Category: Assistant

Fields of interest / research:
Administrative Law and Administrative Justice
Urban Planning Law
Administrative and Procedural Simplification
Constitutional Law
Better Regulation

Academic Degrees:
Bachelor of Law, 1994;
Master of Law, 2000
PhD in Law, 2017

Academic Research and Cooperation

Member of the following research centers and associations:
Member of the Board of the International Association of Legislation
Member of the Board of the Institute of Public Law of Lisbon Law School/Instituto de Ciências Jurídico-Políticas.
Secretary-General of the Lisbon Centre for Research in Public Law, Lisbon School of Law. since May 2012.
Main researcher of the research project “Regras comuns de Legística nos Estados e Regiões Lusófonas” (common standards for legal drafting in Portuguese speaking countries and regions), of the Lisbon Centre for Research in Public Law, Lisbon School of Law.
Main researcher of the research project “Observador Permanente da Administração Pública” (Observatory of Public Administration) of the Lisbon Centre for Research in Public Law, Lisbon Law School.
Main researcher of the research project “Governance dos Serviços Públicos” (Governance of public departments and services) of the Lisbon Centre for Research in Public Law., Lisbon School of Law.

Teaching or research duties in other institutions of higher education:
Coordinator and speaker at several postgraduate courses and conferences. The full list can be viewed at

Other Professional Activities:
Arbitrator at CAAD – Administrative Arbitration Centre since February 2013;
Presiding Arbitrator at the arbitral tribunals of the Economic and Social Council since November 2011;
Consultant of the law firm Morais Leitão, Galvão Teles, Soares da Silva & Associados since October 2011;
Secretary of State of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers of the XVIII Constitutional Government between 26 October 2009 and 21 June 2011;
Head of the Office of Legislative Policy and Planning of the Ministry of Justice between October 2000 and October 2002.

Key Publications:
“Programas de Better Regulation em Portugal: o SIMPLEGIS” (co-authored with Diana Ettner), E-pública: Revista Eletrónica de Direito Público no. 1, January 2014 (;

“A decisão administrativa no anteprojeto de revisão do Código do Procedimento Administrativo”, Cadernos de Justiça Administrativa no. 100, July/August 2013;

“Governação de fundos comunitários em Portugal”, O Governo da Administração Pública, Almedina, 2013;

“Mitos e realidades do sistema de justiça“, Políticas Públicas em Portugal, INCM e ISCTE-IUL, 2012;

“O mecanismo dos processos em massa no contencioso administrativo”, Estudos em Homenagem ao Prof. Doutor Jorge Miranda, vol. IV, Coimbra, 2012;

“A extensão dos efeitos de sentenças a casos idênticos no contencioso administrativo”, Estudos em Homenagem a Miguel Galvão Teles, vol. I, Almedina, 2012;

“Da admissibilidade da restrição temporal de efeitos das decisões de inconstitucionalidade em controle concreto”, Perspectivas de Reforma da Justiça Constitucional em Portugal e no Brasil, Almedina, 2012 (with the collaboration of Irene Terrasêca);

“O Deferimento Tácito – Esboço do regime jurídico do acto tácito positivo na sequência de pedido do particular”, Coimbra, 2004;

“Saisie bancaire en droit portugais: Le régime actuel et la réforme des voies d’exécution in L’aménegement du droit de l’execution dans l’espace communautaire – bientôt les premiers instruments”, Éditions Juridiques et techniques, Paris, 2003;

“A Reforma do Contencioso Administrativo”, Revista Jurídica da AAFDL, no. 25, (March 2002);

“A Hot Pursuit nos Mares”, Revista Jurídica da AAFDL no. 24, (April 2001);

“O Principio da Tutela Jurisdicional Efectiva e as Providências Cautelares não especificadas no contencioso Administrativo”, Perspectivas Constitucionais, Nos 20 anos da Constituição de 1976, vol. III, Coimbra, 1998.