Alexandra Leitão

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Category: Assistant Professor

Fields of interest / research:
Administrative structure
Administrative procedure
Administrative Justice
Public Procurement
Education Law

Academic Degrees:
Bachelor of Law in 1995;
Master’s in 2001;
PhD in 2011.

Academic Research and Cooperation

Member of the following research centres:
Member of the Coordinating Scientific Committee of the Centre for Research in Public Law;
Coordinator of the field of Administrative Law and researcher at the Centre for Research in Public Law.

Member of the editorial board of academic journals:
CEO of ePública: Online Journal of Public Law, of the Centre for Research in Public Law and of the Institute of Legal and Political Sciences.

Member of the following international research projects:
Researcher for the research projects of the Centre for Research in Public Law in the field of centralised purchasing, governance in public services and permanent monitoring of Public Administration.

Other Professional Activities:
Member of the Advisory Board of the Attorney General’s Office

Key Publications:
O enriquecimento sem causa da Administração Pública, Lisbon, 1998;
O Direito da Defesa Nacional e das Forças Armadas, collective work, coordinated by Prof. Jorge Miranda and Prof. Blanco de Morais, Lisbon, 2000;
A proteção dos consumidores no setor das telecomunicações, offprint de Estudos do Instituto de Direito do Consumo, volume I, Coimbra, 2002;
A proteção judicial dos terceiros nos contratos da Administração Pública, Coimbra, 2002;
“A contratualização no Direito do Urbanismo”, in Revista Jurídica do Urbanismo e do Ambiente, nos. 25/26, 2006;
“O princípio da efetividade do Direito Comunitário: comentário ao Acórdão do TJUE “Recheio-Cash & Carry, SA”, of 17 June 2004, Processo C-30/02, collective work, in 20 Anos de Jurisprudência da União sobre Casos Portugueses. O que fica do Diálogo entre os Juízes Portugueses e o Tribunal de Justiça da União Europeia, collective work, Lisbon, 2011;
Contratos Interadministrativos, Coimbra, 2011;
O tempo e a alteração das circunstâncias contratuais, intervenção no V Encontro de Professores de Direito Público, in;
Lições de Direito dos Contratos Públicos, Lisbon, 2014;
“Direito fundamental à educação, mercado educacional e contratação pública”, in ePública: Revista Eletrónica de Direito Público, no. 2, June 2014, in