Adelaide Menezes Leitão

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Category: Assistant Professor

Fields of interest / research:
Civil Law
Commercial Law
Consumer Law
Insolvency Law
Intellectual Property Law

Academic Degrees:
Bachelor of Law, 1993;
Master’s in Legal Sciences, 1993;
PhD in Legal Sciences, 2008.

Academic Research and Cooperation
Member of the Common Core of European Private Law.

Member of the following research centres:
Private Law Institute;
Centre for Research in Private Law.

Member of the following international research projects:
Portuguese rapporteur of the research project Immaterial Damages in European Contract Law (editor Vernon Palmer (Tulane University)), Common Core of European Private Law, International University College of Turin;;

Portuguese Rapporteur of the research project The Interpretation of Commercial Contracts in European Private Law (editors Jaap Baaij (Amsterdam University), Laura Macgregor and David Cabrelli (Edinburgh University), Common Core of European Private Law, International University College of Turin

Other Professional Activities:
Legal consultant;
Lawyer with suspended membership since 2002;
Arbitrator in several arbitrations;
Legal Advisor to the Prime-Minister of the XV Constitutional Government between 7 February 2003 and 17 July 2004, with full exercise of the duties of Legal Counsel;
Legal Advisor to the Minister of Culture of the XVI Constitutional Government, in lieu of the Chief of Staff, from 17 August 2004 to 31 January 2005.

Key Publications:
Estudo de Direito Privado sobre a Cláusula Geral da Concorrência Desleal, Almedina, Coimbra, 2000;

Normas de Protecção e Danos Puramente Patrimoniais, Almedina, Coimbra, 2008;

Direito Administrativo do Consumo, Tratado de Direito Administrativo Especial, (coord. Pedro Gonçalves/Paulo Otero), vol. VI, Almedina, Coimbra, 2012;

Estudos do Instituto do Direito do Consumo, vol. IV (coordenação Adelaide Menezes Leitão), Almedina, Coimbra, 2014.

Current Teaching Duties at FDUL:
Lecturer of General Theory of Civil Law I and II
Lecturer of Insolvency Law (Career-focused Master’s programme)
Lecturer of Company Law I and II (Career-focused Master’s programme)