English Taught Courses

[vc_message]English taught courses, schedules and rooms 1S (2021/2022)[/vc_message][vc_message]English taught courses, schedules and rooms 2S (2021/2022)[/vc_message]

The University of Lisbon Faculty of Law offers courses in English, which can be attended by mobility students.

These courses may vary depending on the school year.

For the 1st semester of the academic year 2021/20222, the English courses available are:

Unidade Curricular (PT)Unidade Curricular (ENG)Ciclo de Estudos
(Study Cycle)
Direito RomanoRoman LawBachelor in Law1st6Professor Ana Caldeira Fouto
Direito Administrativo IAdministrative Law IBachelor in Law2nd6Professor Francisco Paes Marques
Direito ComparadoComparative LawBachelor in Law2nd6Professor Diogo Tapada dos Santos
Direito Internacional Público IPublic International Law I
Bachelor in Law2nd6Professor Lourenço Vilhena Freitas
História das Relações Internacionais History of International Relations
Bachelor in Law2nd6Professor Ana Caldeira Fouto
História do Pensamento JurídicoHistory of Legal Philosophy
Bachelor in Law2nd6Professor Isabel Graes
Economia InternacionalInternational Economy
Bachelor in Law3rd6Professor Miguel Sousa Ferro
Contencioso Administrativo e TributárioAdministrative JusticeBachelor in Law4th6Professor Miguel Assis Raimundo
Contencioso da União Europeia European Union Procedural Law Bachelor in Law4th6Professor Rui Tavares Lanceiro
Direito do Trabalho I
Employment & Labour Law I
Bachelor in Law4th6Professor Gilherme Dray
Direito Internacional Público II
Public International Law II - International Human Rights Law
Bachelor in Law4th6Professor Rui Guerra Fonseca
União Económica e MonetáriaEconomic and Monetary Union
Bachelor in Law4th6Professor Nazaré Costa Cabral
Direito e Economia
Economy and Law
Master in Law and Legal Practice1st7Professor Paula Vaz Freite
Justiça Internacional
International Justice
Master in Law and Legal Practice1st7Professor Margarida Oliveira Martins
Introdução ao Direito da Concorrência
Introduction to Competition Law
Master in Law and Legal Practice1st7Professor Miguel Sousa Ferro
Direito das Nações UnidasLaw of the United NationsMaster in Law and Legal Practice1st7Professor Ana Soares Pinto
Contratação Pública e Concorrência
Public Procurement and Competition Law in a Global World
Master in Law and Legal Practice1st7Professor Nuno Cunha Rodrigues

Attendance of courses from the Legal Science Master are subject to aproval by the Professor who lectures the course.

Note: When available the syllabus are published in Portuguese and English in the same document, just scroll down for the English version.