Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa

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Category: Professor

Fields of interest / research:
Constitutional Law
Administrative Law
Political Science
Legal Theory
State Philosophy

Academic Degrees:
Bachelor’s in 1971;
Master’s in 1972;
PhD in 1984;
Aggregation in 1989.

Academic Research and Cooperation
Chairman of the Scientific Board of the Centre for Research in Public Law of the University of Lisbon School of Law

Member of the following research centres:
Member of the European Group of Public Law

Other Professional Activities:
He was a Visiting Professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities and at the Portuguese Catholic University School of Law, at the Nova University of Lisbon School of Economics, at the University of Porto School of Law and at Instituto Superior Técnico.
Legal advisor.
Chairman of the Administrative Board of the Foundation Casa de Bragança.

Key Publications:
Direito Constitucional I-Teoria da Constituição, 1979;

Os Partidos Políticos no Direito Constitucional Português, 1983;

O valor jurídico do acto inconstitucional, 1988;

Privatizações e Constituição, 1991;

O Sistema de Governo Português, 3rd ed.,1992;

O concurso público na formação do contrato administrativo, 1994;

Lições de Direito Administrativo,I, 1999;

Introdução ao Estudo do Direito, 5th ed., 2000. With Sofia Galvão;

Direito Administrativo Geral,I, reprint of the 3rd ed., 2014. With André Salgado de Matos;

Direito Administrativo Geral,III, reprint of the 2nd ed,2014. With André Salgado de Matos.