Ana Gouveia Martins

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Category: Assistant Professor

Fields of interest / research:
Public Contracts Law and Public Administration Contracts Law
Administrative Law
Global Administrative Law
Urban Planning Law
Energy Law

Academic Degrees:
Bachelor of Law, 1996;
Master’s in Legal and Political Sciences, 2003;
PhD in Legal and Political Sciences, 2013.

Academic Research and Cooperation

Member of the following research centres:

Member of the Centre for Research in Public Law (CIDP) of the Institute of Legal and Political Sciences (ICJP) of the FDUL;

Member of the following international research projects:
Portuguese representative for the Working Group that prepared a report and inventory on the system of tacit approval in Portugal in 2008, as part of the survey conducted by The Institute of Constitutional and Administrative Law, (SBR) Utrecht University, the Netherlands, coord. by Oswald Jansen and Professor Rob Widdershoven, at the request of the Dutch Government, under the legislative procedure aiming at implementing EU Directive no. 123/2006 (Services Directive) and at amending the Law of administrative procedure (Algemene wet bestuursrecht).

Other Professional Activities:
Consultant for Abreu advogados;
Member of the team chosen by the Portuguese Government to prepare the preliminary draft of the new Legal System of Building and Urban Planning (RJEU) in 2013.

Key Publications:
«Os processos urgentes no anteprojecto de revisão do CPTA», in Revista Julgar, pending publication, 2014;

Responsabilidade da administração com fundamento na declaração de nulidade ou revogação de atos inválidos”, in Coleção Estudos no. 1, Instituto do conhecimento AB, Almedina, 2013, pp. 55 et seq. ;

Algumas questões sobre a concessão de providências cautelares no âmbito dos procedimentos de formação de contratos”, in CJA, no. 85, 2011, pp. 3 et seq.;

“Modificação e os Trabalhos a Mais nos Contratos de Empreitada de Obras Públicas”, in Estudos em Homenagem ao Prof. Doutor Sérvulo Correia, volume II, Coimbra editora, Coimbra, 2010, pp. 59 et seq.;

Perspectivas de evolução da tutela provisória do processo cautelar”, in CJA, no. 79, 2010, pp. 15 et seq.;

Tutela cautelar: prazos, caducidade e repetição da providência – Acórdão do Supremo Tribunal Administrativo (1.ª Secção) de 15.9.2004, P. 620/04” in CJA, no. 75, 2009, pp. 24 et seq.;

Concurso limitado por prévia qualificação”, in AAVV, coord. by PEDRO GONÇALVES, Estudos da contratação pública, Coimbra editora, Coimbra, 2008, pp. 229 et seq.;

Report and inventory on the system of tacit approval in Portugal, published 2008, as part of the survey conducted by The Institute of Constitutional and Administrative Law, (SBR) Utrecht University, the Netherlands, coord. by OSWALD JANSEN, at the request of the Dutch Government, under the legislative procedure aiming at implementing EU Directive no. 123/2006 (Services Directive) and at amending the Law of administrative procedure (Algemene wet bestuursrecht), available at “Comparative Inventory of Silencio Positivo appendix” [1], pp. 139 to 156,  which is included in the “Comparative Inventory of Silencio Positivo”; [2]

Apreciação de propostas e respectiva ponderação no regime das empreitadas de obras públicas”, in CJA, n.º 46, 2004, pp. 26 et seq.;

O princípio da precaução”, AAFDL, Lisbon, 2001;

A tutela cautelar no contencioso administrativo – em especial nos procedimentos de formação de contratos», Coimbra editora, 2005.

[1] See

[2] See